The search engine optimization enables a marketer to promote the website of the company over the Internet. In this process, the content of the page should be keyword-rich so that its relevance is recognized by the robots and the content can be easily indexed. The keyword-rich content can become easily accessible for the target customers. An entrepreneur should first research and study the kind of keywords which match with the content of the web page. These keywords and phrases should closely relate to the business of an organization. For instance, if you are running a business of IT solutions, you should implement those keywords that best describe your product or IT business.
You need to have the meta tags in your website to optimize your site in a proper manner. Meta tags comprises of meta title, meta description and meta keywords. Meta title is the first tag. You can include keywords in this title tag. The search engine robots crawl the content of the web pages and give relevance to those title tags which are keyword rich. Do not stuff the phrases or words unnecessarily otherwise you may face the risk of your entire content being considered a Spam. The Meta Description Tag is a kind of Meta tag that describes the subject of your site. Meta keywords are used to have your all keywords in this. These are the most low priority tags but still we include them. Therefore, you can make your website accessible to the potential customers and gain online presence by following the right search engine optimization techniques.
No one pops out of bed each morning and races to the sink to shave. It is a tedious and potentially dangerous daily necessity. But without a daily shave, our appearance begins to get a little shabby.
Linking is the same way. Rare is the webmaster who jumps out of bed, races to his/her computer excited to find inbound links. Yet, no matter how optimized a site is, without inbound links it is never going to be found in the search engine results pages. Even established sites that buy traffic but don’t have something the visitors find worth while to link to are in the same boat.
Chances are good that you are like most people who build a few links here and there, but don’t really have an overall link building strategy.
When it comes to shaving you can almost automate the process by using an electric razor. Of course the shave is not as good as using a blade. Building links using an automated system is not as good as getting links manually either. No automated system can generate quality naturally built links that are on topic, vary the text, vary the source of the links or incorporate the dynamic aspects of social media.
There are also dangers involved in both shaving and linking. You would never think about taking an electric razor that’s plugged into an electrical outlet, into the shower. But you may not even know the dangers of linking to bad sites or what can happen when you try building your link base by cutting corners. Links to the wrong sites, using only one technique like reciprocal links, building links too quickly or getting caught buying links – can do damage to your sites reputation with the search engines.
Although there are new technologies like waterproof, electric razors that give a good shave, the best shave still comes from a hot towel and a straight razor in a professionals hand. This is also true about links. There are auto submission sites for articles, mass social book marking tools, link farms and link exchanges. But the best link base a site can have is consistently built one link at a time by people who understand their industry, their business, their customers and make common sense decisions about how and where to get links.
A good link building strategy involves two things. Time and consistency. The more time you consistently put into generating links and cultivating relationships on line the better off your site will be in the long run.
Here are ten steps to get you started.
1. Buy a listing in a couple of the best directories. Yahoo, (B2B sites only), Best of the web and submit to DMOZ. This will cost you almost $600.00 but you will gain at least 10 permanent links spread out over several domains.
2. Search Google for the top 100 ranking sites for your most important keyword. Do some research and create n article that you can offer in trade for a link. Get a link even if you have to buy it. If you do have to buy a link deal directly with the web site and not from a link broker. Google has been cracking down on sites that buy/sell links. Work this strategy and set a goal of getting one new link this way per week.
3. Create a blog and create links from your posts back to your site. Try to post 2-3 times each week.
4. Submit your blog to Blog. Directories like, ($34.95 to add your blog) etc. Google “blog directory” for more places to submit to.
5. Write and submit an article to a couple of the major article directories. Start with, and Google “article directory” for more places to submit to.
6. Find something exciting about your business to write about. Write a press release and send it out through Spend at least $220.00 and you will get at least 2 links but more than likely 10’s if not hundreds.
7. Create a profile at exact solutionz the field “websites” use the search term that you want your site to be found under instead of the default “my website” You can add up to three links.
8. Set up a lens at Your lens will allow you to create links to your profiles and sites.
9. Every time you establish a new link set a social book mark to the page it is on. There are hundreds of social book marking sites. Start with,, and Google “social bookmarks” for more. Spend some time searching for people to connect with.
10. Ask everyone you are connected with at exact solutionz to comment on your latest blog post.
The daily ritual of shaving only takes a few minutes each day. Linking will eat up as much time as you will dedicate to it. But if you skip shaving or link building for very long you will start to look like a bum.
You need to focus on two important things:
- get TARGETED traffic to your site – not just any visitors, but visitors who are likely to be interested in your products (so avoid those 100,000-hits-for-$29.99 types of schemes)
- CONVERT those visitors into buyers – given that you worked so hard to get those visitors, make sure that they buy
You can use pay per click advertising in the search engines to reach audiences looking for your products. You can use Google Adwords or Yahoo
Here are some shoestring marketing ideas that can help you get the visitors you need at the least cost possible:
1. Create the best content you can with the best products you can possibly offer. Your content is your best advertisement – if visitors love your content, then they will go back and spread the word to others.
2. Make it easy for users to recommend your site. Viral marketing is very important — and easy to tap on the Web. But give your users the tools. Get a Recommend this Site script from websites such as and similar directories of scripts. Some even go as far as giving incentives to those who recommend the site to their friends. If only 10 people go to your site, but these 10 people invite 10 more – that’s additional traffic that you get for FREE!
Recommend Site Scripts (various)
Big Nose Bird Recommend this Site
CGI Resource Index
3. Rank well in the search engines (organic search results, not the pay per click). SEs can be a big source of traffic. The key is to create the best content in your niche. If you have good content, other websites will gladly link to you and offer your site as a resource to their audience. Check the on-page factors and be sure to get linked from authority sites in your topic area.
If you are going to read only one piece on search engine optimization, I suggest you read Brett Tabke of’s “Successful Site in 12 Months with Google Alone: 26 steps to 15k a day.”
4. Send out press releases. While outfits charge as much as $650 per release, there are free press release submission places on the Web. Press releases allow you to (a) attract media attention; (b) get more back links to your website without sending each website an email request; and (c) get more visibility especially if your press release gets in Google News or Yahoo News.
5. Submit articles. Write articles and submit them to websites accepting author submissions. You get exposure for your business; establishes you as an authority in your field, and allows you to get backlinks for your website. If 50 websites publish your article and it contains a link back to your website, then you easily get 50 links from a single article. The more links you have, the greater your chances for increasing your search engine rankings.
Here is a comprehensive list of where to submit your articles
6. Improve your conversion. Getting visitors is one thing; getting them to buy your products is a whole different story. Read the article ” How To Sell More on the Web: 30 Tips To Increase Conversion Rates For An Ecommerce Site ” for tips on how to improve your conversion rates.
7. Post a link to your site for free where it is allowed (always read the Terms of Use). Examples are:
Google Base
Classifieds for Free…
Text Link Exchange
Yahoo Classifieds
US Free Ads
Here are 5 easy link building steps:
1. Building Your Link Campaign
Remember that when link building that it is going to take time and commitment on your part. Taking the time to learn how to do this will result in a high quality campaign that will bring success to your.
2. It’s About Quality, Not Quantity!
This is important information to remember when link building. It is not how many links that you have on your site, it is how many high quality links that you have on there. One quality link makes up for 17 subpar quantity links.
3. Content Needs To Sparkle!
Writing an link needs to have quality content linked to it in order to be believable. This quality content will help you to build a quality link with a good connector to a quality website. This is another example of a wonderful link building.
4. A Quality Link Is Not Just A Link From A High Quality Site
Bear in mind that a quality link is not always a link from a high quality site. See if you can get a link from a website that has your keywords in it. Link always to external sites that pertain to the subject in question.
5. Choose A Website That Is Built Around Your Keywords
A link built around say business will not be promoted like one that is a doctor’s office. They are two different things and will be promoted differently. This is why choosing one around your keywords pays off. This is another link building technique to know.
The House of Representatives was expected to vote as early as Thursday on a proposal by Rep. Patrick Murphy, a Democrat who served in the Iraq war, that would repeal the 1993 law known as "don't ask, don't tell."
The legislation - a compromise struck with the White House and agreed to by the Defense Department - would give the military as much time as it wants before lifting the ban.
Under the bill, the president, defense secretary and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff must first certify that the new policy won't hurt the military's ability to fight.
"We need to get this done, and we need to get it done now," said Murphy.
Also as early as Thursday, the Senate Armed Services Committee was expected to take up an identical measure, proposed by Sens. Carl Levin, a Democrat, and Joe Lieberman, an Independent.
As in the House, the Senate provision would be tucked into a broader bill that is expected to win broad support authorizing hundreds of billions of dollars for the troops.
Supporters said this week the Senate panel had enough votes to pass the bill after key holdouts announced they would swing behind it.
Nelson said a provision in the billing giving the military the power to decide on the details of implementing the policy was key to his support because it "removes politics from the process" and ensures repeal is "consistent with military readiness and effectiveness."
Advocates hoped the momentum in the Senate would carry over to the House, where several conservative Democrats threatened to oppose the massive defense spending bill if it included the repeal provision.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates has said he supports repeal but would prefer that Congress wait to vote until he can talk to the troops and chart a path forward. A study he ordered is due on Dec. 1.
"With Congress having indicated that is not possible, the secretary can accept the language in the proposed amendment," said Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell.
The service chiefs this week urged the panel not to vote until the Pentagon could complete a survey of military personnel on the issue.
"The value of surveying the thoughts of Marines and their families is that it signals to my Marines that their opinions matter," Marine Commandant James Conway wrote in a letter to Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the panel's top Republican.
Adm. Mike Mullen, the nation's top uniformed officer and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told graduating Air Force Academy cadets Wednesday that they need to support a changing military.
Mullen didn't speak directly about the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. But the chairman, who has said that the policy unfairly forces troops to lie, said service members should question convention.
"Few things are more important to an organization than people who have the moral courage to question the direction in which the organization is headed and then the strength of character to support whatever final decisions are made," Mullen said.
Much has already been documented about Bhatti’s almost Dickensian rise from “a not privileged life” in Lahore to the epicentre of the fashion capital of the world: Paris.
After graduating from Government College Lahore in 1977 he winged it to Paris to study for an MBA degree “without any money. I had zero times zero times zero money. I slept under the Metro. I looked through the garbage for food.” However, he soon found employment at the now defunct retail boutique Mages, first as a cleaner, then a packager, working his way up to become a gregarious salesman. He knew he had the gift of the gab and street smarts, and in three short years he opened his own retail outlet in 1980.
Hence this trip to Pakistan. Bhatti is visiting, first to touch base with his somewhat cloudy, impalpable and decidedly unembraced roots, but also to prepare for a three-city fashion tour to celebrate his 25 years in fashion, an event that will culminate with a large party in Paris.
“I will return on March 13, 2005, and will have a fashion show in Lahore on March 15; Islamabad on March 17, and finally in Karachi on March 19.”
Bhatti will employ Parisienne cabines (runway models) with “hair and make up people and the choreographer also coming from Paris.” All proceeds from the show will be donated to the Umeed-i-Noor charity.
The past year has been quite an eventful and prestigious one for Bhatti. On March 23, 2004 Bhatti received the Sitara-i-Imtiaz, the highest honour bestowed to a civilian. “I felt very good receiving this honour. It was a very important milestone for me. You
“The Minister of Commerce, Humayoun Akhtar, suggested I open up a fashion institute in Pakistan and this is another of my long-term ventures. I would employ foreign teachers trained at ES Mode (a prestigious French fashion school).” Bhatti also remains an Honorary Investment Councilor of Pakistan in France.
Much of Bhatti’s early life has been documented in his autobiography, Paris Mein Doosra Janam (Another Life in Paris) and the docu-film La Verite Si Je Mens (The Truth If I Lie).
“My second autobiographical book will be published very soon.”
What does this second tome include? “It’s a secret. If I tell people what it’s about then no one will want to buy it,” he laughs. It may, however, include episodes of the downward spiral and final dissolution of Bhatti’s 13-year marriage, four years ago, to his US born, Native American wife, Denise, a former Chanel model.
“We’re still very good friends. She lives in the US and still works in fashion,” he explains. “But I don’t ask her too much about her new life.” Mehmood and Denise have two children; a 14-year-old son, Shiraz, and a 10-year-old daughter, Alicia. “What I liked about my marriage was that my wife was very involved in my fashion business. I don’t like the concept of Pakistani marriages where parents arrange for two people to get together to share intimacies without really getting to know each other intellectually beforehand. It’s very important for couples to work, holiday, and have fun together.”
So is a second marriage on the horizon? Perhaps this time someone from Pakistan?
He muses and then replies, “I don’t know.”

That's right; I opened with the closing. Weird, right?
Anyway, if you're just joining us, Fat Princess is built for 32-player multiplayer mayhem. There are multiple modes, but the core gameplay revolves around kidnapping some cake-loving princesses and the never-ending war between the red kingdom and the blue kingdom. See, when you start a game of Rescue the Princess, the main mode in the title, you'll begin in your castle but your princess will be in the opposing castle. Your goal is to march across one of the game's eight maps, grab your princess, bring her home, and keep her and the opponent's princess there long enough to win the game.

Face Transplant: World’s first full face off has taken place in Spain, where a team of around 30 surgeons have performed the first ever full face transplant of a native.
The face transplant of the un-identified man was performed at Vall d Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona where the Spanish got new lips, eyelids, muscles, teeth, cheekbone and nose. The procedure took around 24 hours.
The man has had shot himself accidently in his face leaving a completely disfigured face that was not identifiable to put a name on.
The Head of the Medical Team that performed the miraculous procedure added that their patient wished to see his new face one week after his face transplant and reacted satisfactorily after seeing his new face. The patient communicated his gratifications in writing and gestures towards the medical team.
Although the patient is neither able to breathe and eat nor he is able to smile or speak at his own, the doctors added that he would be able to eat and breathe naturally after a week.
Previously partial facial transplants have been conducted in countries like America, China and many others; the present face transplant is unique for being full face transplant in the world.
The news is considered a major breakthrough in the history of Facial and Reconstruction Surgery and Dr. Thomas Romo of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York has declared it a great milestone while congratulating the team at Barcelona.
The first ever full face transplanted man would be our focus of interest in the coming weeks and we believe that seclusion experienced by the unidentified man would end in a paparazzi way.
McAfee VirusScan Plus 2008 includes one PC license at $39.95, but McAfee also offers three-user licenses for $59.95, and additional licenses for a mere $10 each. By comparison, BitDefender Antivirus offers its three-user license for $29.95. Kaspersky offers its single license at $49.95, but matches McAfee on its three-user price. McAfee VirusScan 2008 runs on Windows 2000, XP, and Vista, while Norton AntiVirus 2008 only works on XP and Vista.
McAfee continues to use a bootstrap method of downloading code to your machine, and then installing it module by module. This year the process was much faster in our informal tests. There's the security center, which you download first, then, depending on the product you purchased, the product itself is downloaded from McAfee to your computer. McAfee claims it can offer the latest build; the alternative is to install the product, then immediately update. What's curious is that McAfee didn't scan our computer (which other AV products have also stopped doing) yet VirusScan Plus insisted our computer was secure on first load (other AV products prompted us to initiate a scan right away). This may be an interface bug or perhaps reflect McAfee's overenthusiasm for its proactive, real-time anti-malware heuristics. It would be nice if it prompted us to run a scan.
Should you want to remove McAfee VirusScan Plus, unlike most antivirus products we've seen this year, there is no uninstall option for McAfee in the Windows All Programs listing. Instead, you'll need to use the Windows Control Panel Add/Remove Software option. Unlike last year--when McAfee left a mess--after our reboot, we were pleased to find no evidence left on our machine. In comparison, Norton AntiVirus 2008 leaves behind registry files and some system files.
The McAfee Protection Center interface has not changed since last year. It still offers a left-hand navigation for all tools, with a right-hand window pane for system status. Unlike Norton, which uses individual tabs for products such as Norton AntiVirus, McAfee's has fully integrated its Security Center. We like this better. There are two tables of contents: One
lists basic features while a second lists more advanced tools.
McAfee bills VirusScan Plus 2008 as its six-in-one security solution. Included within are many interesting tools such as the system diagnostic tools to shred deleted files and defragment your hard drive; various network monitoring tools; and McAfee's own antisphishing tool, SiteAdvisor. Although SiteAdvisor was included last year, it lacked the antiphishing component.
McAfee VirusScan Plus stays in the middle of the pack, sometimes trending toward the upper end of the middle. On our iTunes test, VirusScan Plus placed solidly in the middle of the pack at 271 seconds. In our Microsoft Office test, VirusScan Plus trended toward the high end, taking home the second-longest score at 1,519 seconds. In a test scanning a single folder with compressed and media files, McAfee scored 446 seconds, again, toward the high end of our middle group. And in terms of boot speed, McAfee was third-longest at 38 seconds. To find out how we test antivirus software, see CNET Labs' How we test: Antivirus software page.
In terms of whether or not McAfee VirusScan Plus 2008 will protect your PC, we cite results from two leading independent antivirus testing organizations. In the latest test results from, for on-demand scans McAfee VirusScan Plus 2008 earned an Advanced (second-highest) rating, catching 93 percent of all malware tested and tying with Norton AntiVirus 2007. For the Retrospective/Proactive test, McAfee VirusScan Plus 2008 also earned an Advanced (second-highest) rating (PDF). From, McAfee VirusScan Enterprisewas earned an Advanced rating, which includes both search and antivirus removal.
McAfee has improved its technical support over last year but still doesn't offer context-sensitive help like Kaspersky or Trend Micro, meaning you will have to search for specific help. McAfee does, however, provide an exhaustive 217-page manual. By comparison, only Kaspersky offers a complete 321-page manual; none of the other major AV companies provide these any more. McAfee Virtual Technician is the product's first line of defense. If it can't help, then you'll be directed toward the online FAQ, and, finally, chat or e-mail. If you try to jump ahead to chat or e-mail, you'll be directed back to the Virtual Technician first. It's as though McAfee doesn't want you to contact it directly. Missing is telephone support. Or, rather, telephone support is listed under Fee Based Support, with a variety of per-minute or per-incident plans starting at $2.95 a minute or $39 per incident. a robust user forum, and toll-free telephone support. There is an active community forum as well.
McAfee VirusScan 2008 and other McAfee products are bundled with various hardware systems; for the purposes of protecting your PC, they'll do just that. Plus you'll get the manufacturer's technical support. But for the discerning user looking to get the best protection, we suggest you try another product. The lack of a quality technical support from McAfee is stunning given that smaller antivirus companies do a much better job supporting their customers than this venerable giant in the industry. Rather than putting its energy into marketing gimmicks like "triple play," it would be nice to see McAfee take the lead next year and offer a truly solid antivirus product like Kaspersky or even Norton.

We know what a daunting task it can be to submit your website over and over to free web directories. Because of this we have hand selected several SEO friendly free directories and created an automatic submission process to get your site submitted quickly and easily. Building your websites link popularity is hard enough, let us help take some of the pressure off by doing free directory submission for you.
What's the catch?
All we ask in return for this free submission service is that you give us one back link somewhere on your website. We will give you the link code to place on your site as part of the free directory submission process. We feel that this is a fair trade for our submission service. Good luck in your link building efforts.

Have you ever e-mailed a friend or family member and sent them a link to a website you thought they might find interesting? If so, you have participated in social bookmarking.
What is social bookmarking? It is tagging a website and saving it for later. Instead of saving them to your web browser, you are saving them to the web. And, because your bookmarks are online, you can easily share them with friends.
What Can Social Bookmarking Do For Me? :
Not only can you save your favorite websites and send them to your friends, but you can also look at what other people have found interesting enough to tag. Most social bookmarking sites allow you to browse through the items based on most popular, recently added, or belonging to a certain category like shopping, technology, politics, blogging, news, sports, etc.
You can even search through what people have bookmarked by typing in what you are looking for in the search tool. In fact, social bookmarking sites are being used as intelligent search engines.
What is Social News? Is Social News the Same as Social Bookmarking?:
Websites like Digg, Reddit and Propeller focus on social bookmarking of news-related items such as politics, sports, technology, etc. These websites will often feature breaking headlines and bloggers discussing the current news items.
Social news sites are different from standard social bookmarking sites by focusing on specific articles and blog posts rather than websites. Because of this, they can be a great source of news, and they also offer the ability to participate in the discussion by leaving comments on popular news items.
How Can I Benefit From Social Bookmarking?:
Social bookmarking and social news allow you to specifically target what you want to see. Instead of going into a search engine, typing something in, and then searching for that needle in a haystack, you can quickly narrow down the items to what you are looking for.
Because many social bookmarking sites display recently added lists and popular links, you can both stay current and see relevant information. For example, let's say you are interested in learning more about social shopping. You might search for social shopping on one of these sites and come up with two articles: one with a hundred votes and one with two votes.
It's pretty easy to tell that the article with a hundred votes might be your best choice. And this is a lot easier than putting "social shopping" into a search engine and seeing page after page after page of links that may or may not be useful.
So, what started out as a way to send bookmarks to friends has really grown into social search engines. You no longer need to page through thousands of results to find a needle in a haystack. Now, you can simply go to a social bookmarking site, choose the category or tag that matches your interest, and find the most popular websites.

A lot of people who are well known as SEOs spend too much time on self promotion and not enough time on business development. BTW I would classify myself as being in that camp, though I have been slowly migrating since meeting my wife ;)
So much of SEO stuff is sorta ego in place of performance IMHO. And the problem when you hire top SEOs is that even if they have a strong brand and do great work on their own sites, the market pricing for services tends to be so dysfunctionally under-priced that...
* it is mostly an exercise in back patting to even do any client services after you have a good amount of capital, cashflow, and leverage online
* even if you think you are hiring one of the best SEOs you still rarely get to work with them because the people who are out there being really well known are by and large lead generation tools for the company, and the bigger the company is the more likely you are to have an intern servicing your account
Getting serious cashflow out of servicing the SEO market is akin to squeezing water out of a rock, especially when compared against running your own websites.
To me, the measure of an SEO's success is not in their knowledge, but in their ability to leverage their knowledge to build cashflow. I know money isn't everything, but we live in a world where the algorithms grow more complex every day. So each day you are working for less than your market value is a day closer you are to being broke!
Spamming and jamming can get you some paydays, but its not easy to *consistently* pull down 7 or 8 figures a year in profit if you are not building at least 1 or 2 properties with serious staying power and momentum behind them.
Given the complexity of SEO and the lack of liquidity in the SEO market I think that by and large the best SEOs who generate the greatest profits derive most of their profits from publishing. Given that I thought I would highlight some of the people who I would view as top SEOs (and why).
What is Google AdSense program?
Google AdSense program is really a reliable program to earn money. If you have a google adsense account, you can easily earn some money through google AdSense program. You just need to insert some lines of code to your web site or blog or forum posts. And that's all. Now, google adsense program will display several ads or google ad based on your contents and thus you can easily earn some money through google AdSense.
Why you use Google AdSense Program?
At first I want to say that Google AdSense Program is a nice program for all types of publishers. There are lots of other program like AdBrite, Clicksor, Bidvertiser, Chitika, AdToll, Exit Junction, Yahoo Publisher Network etc. I already have used several of them and found that Google AdSense is the best among all of them. Moreover, I see that Google AdSense offers the best ads which is very relevant to your content. The earning report of Google AdSense is very transparent and easy to understand to all. So, I personally suggest to use Google AdSense program for earning money.
What is the lie of people to earn money through Google AdSense program?
This section will tell you the great lie of several advertising companies. You might have seen that several advertisers or web publishers or blog owners or software marketing person always advertise that the earn more than $1000 per day.They also even give prove that they earn more than $1000 per day. For example, there is a screen shot which tells that this publisher can earn more than $1000 everyday.

Google AdSense income: How much do you earn per day through Google AdSense program?
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By rancidTaste
Google AdSense income! Do you know much about Google AdSense income? Many web sites, blogs, forum post etc. claiming that they earn $1000 or even more through Google AdSense. I spent much time reading these type of articles or pages. But what is the real truth? I will tell you. After reading this page, you have a basic idea about AdSense income. You then easily calculate your the daily income through Google AdSense. Before accessing to main contents, I want to say something about Google AdSense.
What is Google AdSense program?
Google AdSense program is really a reliable program to earn money. If you have a google adsense account, you can easily earn some money through google AdSense program. You just need to insert some lines of code to your web site or blog or forum posts. And that's all. Now, google adsense program will display several ads or google ad based on your contents and thus you can easily earn some money through google AdSense.
Why you use Google AdSense Program?
At first I want to say that Google AdSense Program is a nice program for all types of publishers. There are lots of other program like AdBrite, Clicksor, Bidvertiser, Chitika, AdToll, Exit Junction, Yahoo Publisher Network etc. I already have used several of them and found that Google AdSense is the best among all of them. Moreover, I see that Google AdSense offers the best ads which is very relevant to your content. The earning report of Google AdSense is very transparent and easy to understand to all. So, I personally suggest to use Google AdSense program for earning money.
What is the lie of people to earn money through Google AdSense program?
This section will tell you the great lie of several advertising companies. You might have seen that several advertisers or web publishers or blog owners or software marketing person always advertise that the earn more than $1000 per day.They also even give prove that they earn more than $1000 per day. For example, there is a screen shot which tells that this publisher can earn more than $1000 everyday.
The false earnings of several advertisers to sell or advertise their products
The false earnings of several advertisers to sell or advertise their products
Do you believe this? If yes then answer a question: How much effort and time is needed to earn $1 for you? I think, you already get the answer.
Actually these type of screen shots and prove is totally false. They are just advertising their own products. For example, they just show you their success and at last they offer several courses or books or tutorial materials for some small payments. If they offer one book just $20 and if 1000 people buy that book then the easily get 20000$ dollars. So, they just advertise and earns a lot. So, don't believe their false prove.
Is Google AdSense program is a lie?
No, definitely it's not a lie. Google AdSense Program is the real truth to earn money through Google AdSense. You can really earn some money through Google AdSense easily. If you use Google AdSense program, you may get $100 to 1000$ easily of each month (Remember, I say each month not every day). But to do that you have to work some times. If you are new, please do not think much income at first. Work and wait, you will see that day by day your earnings are increasing. So, you have to wait for some day.
How much money is possible to earn through Google AdSense program?
Yes, it's the most critical question to answer. No body can give you the exact answer. People can only guess and then answer.
I will try to answer this question based on my friends earnings. The earnings are totally based on page impressions and clicks. So, the no of visitors of your web page or blog is very important to earn money easily. The more visitors you get, the more you will be able to earn.
Typically, if you get 1000 visitors per day, you may earn $1 to $3 per day. I again tell you this is just the estimation not the real value. If you analysis the above table, you will see this type of situation.
So, you can conclude that if you get 10000 visitors, you may get $10 to $30 per day.
How to increase visitors and increase Google AdSense income?
When people really understand Google AdSense, then they keep attention on the following two things:
* No of page visitors: If the total no of visitors of your site or blog is increased then the total no of clicks and impressions will also be increased. So, you then earn much easily per day. You can easily increase visitors by publishing contents daily, by telling to the friends of your new published contents, by answering the questions of others of several forums, by answering the comments of your contents, by commenting others posts etc. When the no of page views are increasing, your earning will also be increasing.
* Placement of Ads of Google AdSense Ads: You also have to find out the better ad placement space. If you place your ads at the end of the page, then you may loose high income. I suggest the following figure to place Google AdSense ads. See the red marked area. This is the best place for showing ads. Later, the orange areas are suitable for Google AdSense ads. So, try to place Google AdSense ads on those places.
By satisfying the above two conditions, you can easily earn much and you will see that Google AdSense income is increasing very rapidly.

Search engine optimization is a hectic-competitive effort that particularly requires deep focus and a thorough, modern understanding of how the search engine algorithms and robots work. The seo consultants and search engine optimization specialist at Exactsolutions have been in the search engine marketing industry from a long time and our procedure constantly evolves to meet the contemporary requirements of our respected clients. In the changing world of search engine optimization, our clear-cut approach has constantly delivered desired results, which is why we are so confident about search engine marketing. We apply our verified search engine optimization process so your website will achieve that same glory of success.
We are not providing only quality search engine optimization (SEO) but we also facilitate our respected clients in Internet marketing services such as: search-friendly web designing, pay-per-click (PPC) promotional campaigns, directory submission, content writing, competitor analysis, keyword research, link building, social book marking, blog and forum posting and targeted local search marketing.
ExactSolutionz is a search engine optimization company that delivers. ExactSolutionz is a different kind of Search Engine Optimization Company we don't believe in copy-cat culture what rest of the search engine optimization companies are doing. Our search engine optimization consultants don't utilize risky tactics to trap the search engines. It’s a word of mouth that how do ExactSolutionz achieve top 5 rankings for his clients? Actually the secret of our success is our core competency that is
ExactSolutionz started as an e-marketing company, but only worked on our own web sites. During our work processing if a technique didn’t work, time was wasted but a valuable lesson was learned. As Brucker (father of management) said
“Man learns from Mistakes”.

It’s only because we believe in Look and Learn: In every situation we focus on results driven work. ExactSolutionz learned to continuously follow increased web traffic and superior rankings. That concept is the USP (Unique selling point) of ExactSolutionz and this result focused strategy makes ExactSolutionz distinctive among all Search Engine Optimization companies.
Mostly Search Engine Companies use ordinary strategies that take months or years to make upper rankings in different search engines. ExactSolutionz utilizes the approach that is “first making your website a sticky target for your target market”.
Using attention-grabbing content, helpful tools, humorous appeal, or maybe even appealing video - your website will become a value asset that the search engines are required to show at the top of the search results pages.