Internet marketing (IM) consist on different fundamentals of marketing and promotion of web site on internet. Search engine optimization (SEO), viral marketing, buzz marketing, (PPC) pay per click, affiliate marketing, are all important parts of the internet marketing.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of elevating the web site ranking for important keywords towards the top most slots. A search engine optimization consultant, or ‘SEO’ is a specialist of the tactics to rank a web site for organic keywords search.
Pay per click (PPC) is a technique of acquiring visitors by the ‘click’. Google Ad words, Yahoo, and MSN are the world renowned marketing sources of pay per click techniques.
Buzz marketing is a process of publicizing your web site on different available places for example: blogs, social web sites, product/service review web sites, and different web forums.
Viral marketing is a process of fastening a product or service into a promotional method. A well-known example of this is Hotmail. Everyone is allowed on hotmail to sign up for a free email account. Then, when anyone sent an email, Hotmail incorporates a publicizing plug at the email page bottom this tactic let the email recipients know that they could have a free email account as well. Viral marketing can be effectively useful in such a way that as you add a customer, he passes your product/service to his human bank (friends and family).
Affiliate marketing is a process of paying for sales. It is an agenda that welcome and allow other web masters to do promotion of your product/service and get payment whenever a satisfactory result is occurred.
Internet marketing has unlimited ways to promote your business. When you decide to market your business on the internet you should never restrict yourself to just a single method. Remember one thing, if you are going to sell your product/services on the internet, utilize maximum available options you have.